Course curriculum

    1. Course Navigation & Contact Information

    2. Pre-Assessment: What Do You Already Know About The Specific Language System First Approach?

    3. Introductory Information

    4. Access the Google Slides Presentation. Go to File> Download and choose .PDF, .PPTX, or the file format of your choice.

    1. Supporting Evidence

    2. The Least Dangerous Assumption

    1. Common Barriers

    2. Explore the Consensus App: Is the turnover rate higher for special education teachers than those working in general education?

    1. Accommodations as a Roadmap to Inclusive Implementation of AAC

    2. Audio, Visual, & Small Group Options Padlet Activity. Share your ideas on the Padlet.

    3. A Sample Flowchart of the Specific Language System First Approach

    1. How to Select the Tier One Support

    2. Individual & Mass Feature Matching Google Sheet Template. Go to File> Download and choose .PDF, .xlsx, or the file format of your choice.

    3. How Many Hits - Google Sheet Activity. Go to File> Download and choose .PDF, .xlsx, or the file format of your choice.

    1. Bonus Content from the Talking With Tech Podcast

    2. The Specific Language System First Approach Blog Post

    3. Talking With Tech Episode 11: Erek Engar: A Specific Language System First Approach to AAC

    4. Talking With Tech Episode 139: Karen Wilson: Technology Supports for ADHD, Dyslexia, and Language-Learning Disorders

    5. Talking With Tech Episode 140: David Moehn: Supporting Students More Universally with Technology

    6. Talking With Tech Episode 173: Implementing a Specific Language System First Approach to AAC Selection - Part 1

    7. Talking With Tech Episode 174: Amy Fleischer & Corinne Nelson - Implementing a Specific Language System First Approach to AAC Selection - Part 2

    8. Talking With Tech Episode 228: Implementing the Specific Language System First Approach District-Wide

    9. Talking With Tech Episode 235: Kim Hurley & Jessica Conrad (Part 1) - Preparing to Implement the Specific Language System First Approach

    10. Talking With Tech Episode 236: Kim Hurley & Jessica Conrad (Part 2): Involving Stakeholders in the Selection of a Tier 1 AAC System

    11. Talking With Tech Episode 265: Kristina Edie, Erica Sauer, Joy Mockbee, & Bernadette Wiley: Exploring the Specific Language System First Approach (Part 1)

    12. Talking With Tech Episode 266: Kristina Edie, Erica Sauer, Joy Mockbee, & Bernadette Wiley: Exploring the Specific Language System First Approach (Part 2)

    13. Talking With Tech Episode 271: Samantha Hagness & Becky Woolley (Part 1) - Modeling AAC in the Classroom Using Grid 3

    14. Talking With Tech Episode 290: April Wallace & Christina Stader - Specific Language System First Approach Q&A

    15. Talking With Tech Episode 292: McKinzee Steve, Danielle Welge,& Kendra Everette (Part 1): Providing District-Led 1:1 AAC Training to Parents

    16. Talking With Tech Episode 293: McKinzee Steve, Danielle Welge, & Kendra Everette (Part 2): Providing High-Tech AAC as a Tier 2 Early Childhood Intervention

About this course

  • $79.00
  • Asynchronous, Interactive Collaboration Experiences
  • Guidance Materials & Templates
  • 2.0 CMH of Video Content


  • How long will I have access to the course?

    Once you enroll, you'll have access to the course for the lifetime of the course. As long as the course exists, you'll have access. At a minimum, the course will remain available for at least one year following the date the last person enrolls.

  • Will there be updates to the course?

    Maybe! Future interviews, Q&A experiences, additional videos, and more might all be added. If and when that happens, all updates will be free to those already enrolled.

Enrollment is now open!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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Build A Culture of Inclusivity By Teaching Language Using AAC